Monday, February 9, 2009

eCas updated

Two new lines have appeared on my eCas:

Medical results have been received.
A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.

The first one is usually there once the PPR is ready and the second one is supposedly there once the visa itself is issued (i.e. once the case is finalized). No sign of the return Fedex envelope.

PS: Btw, I had written a small script in Python/twill that would log itself automatically to eCas once every 30 minutes (at 10 past and 40 past) to check what's written in the eCas file. The update happened between 6:40am and 7:10am today (Monday, February 9th). So Mondays at 7am seems like a good candidate for when eCas updates itself!

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